Contact Us
- 608.222.8586
Saturdays | 5:30 PM
Sundays | 9 & 10:45 AM
6602 Dominion Drive, Madison, WI 53718 - NORTH CAMPUS
Sundays | 9 & 10:45 AM
697 S Main Street, DeForest, WI 53532
Office Hours
- 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Friday
The single greatest step you can take to grow your faith is to move towards other Christ followers. God designed life to be lived with and for others. Faith is often best discovered with a circle of friends around a meal and God’s Word and best lived out as we pray for and serve the needs of others around us. Jesus modeled this life in community with others. We simply need to step into a circle and love others as Jesus did.
A Life Group is a small group of people who gather together regularly for Bible study, prayer and care, building friendship and serving together. Some Life Groups are formed with people in similar life stages or who have similar life experiences and others are created in various geographically convenient locations.
In Life Groups, real life and real issues are discussed and the Bible is explored. Many Life Groups gather to discuss questions from the weekend message while others may choose to study a book of the Bible or another biblical curriculum.
Being a part of a life group helps encourage us, equip us and challenge us to grow in our relationship with Jesus and with other people. There is simply no better way to experience life in Christ than in a group of friends pursuing God together and we’d love to get you plugged into that. Get to know our current Life Group leaders through their bios.
Fall session for Groups sign-up starts on September 3/4 and runs through September 17/18. To sign-up, visit the Groups tables in the Chapel atrium during this time or call the church office.
Fill out and submit the and we will contact you with more information about leading a life group.
If you have any questions about Life Groups, email . If you're looking for more ways to get connected, check out our care and support groups, life stage groups and classes