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  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Friday


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Ben Hacker

Ben Hacker

Worship Pastoroffice: 608.222.8586 ext 229

Born and raised in Wisconsin, I love my home state and the people who call it home! My wife Nicky and I met at UW Stevens Point where we were both music majors and involved in the Cru worship band. During my time there, I began to sense a call to pastoral ministry, specifically as a Pastor of Worship. We moved to the Kenosha area to pursue pastoral training in the context of the local church and I later studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Nicky and I have three young children and we love doing things as a family. I love wearing sandals, being outside, cooking for others, coffee, camping, music gear, concerts and day trips to fun and interesting places with my family.

My sincere hope for Door Creek Church is that we would be constantly developing a better understanding of who God is as we gather to worship Him on the weekend. That this knowledge would produce in us a hunger to worship Him throughout the week. That we would sing from our hearts, minds and mouths together - all for His glory!